Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tips For Buying Bi-Fold Shower Doors

Bi-fold shower doors are doors that fold up with a hinge. Once folded, it creates 2 panels. The standard width of the bi-folds is 48 inches, which is it is equal to the standard size of the shower stall or bathtub. The bi-fold door is usually placed on the track at the base and top part of the bathtub or shower area of the bathroom. This type of door is typically utilized in bathrooms in place of sliding doors or shower curtains. The sliding bathroom door can occupy more area when opened wide and each panel will cover 24 inches on each side.

louvered bifold doors

On the other hand, the bi-fold doors just take up 4 inches in total. With just a small area occupied by the bi-fold door, there is more space for the person to get in or get out of the shower area. This is especially helpful for bathroom users who are overweight or have some sort of mobility problem. The cost of shower doors differ according to finishes, materials used, and the system of installation.


When shopping for bi-fold shower doors, some aspects such as the available space in the bathroom, price, and materials used must be given consideration. Obtaining the right type of door will add style and functionality to the bathroom. So, to get correct bi-fold door, here are other things to look at:

1. Style of the bi-fold door
Since these doors will affect the looks of your bathroom, you must also give importance to its design before buying it. There are so many styles and models available in the market today and it's just a matter of choosing the one that will blend well with your bathroom interiors.

2. The dimension of the bathroom and shower enclosure
You must get the precise dimension of your bathroom as well as the shower enclosure. If the available space is limited, the shower enclosure with bi-fold door is the ideal choice for your shower area.

3. Materials used for the bi-fold shower door
Shower doors like the bi-fold type are always exposed to different conditions including humidity and heat. They can also be drizzled with soaps and strong cleaning materials. For this reason, you must choose a shower door that is made from durable materials. Likewise, go for doors that are made from fiberglass or hardened glass.

4. The price
Before you settle for one model of the bi-fold shower door, try to compare prices from different sellers first. Comparing prices will help you get a good deal that will let you save some money. And to make things easier, you can go online where you will come across many sites that offer free price comparisons.

Finally, there are lots of bi-fold shower door sellers who often packaged their items with free installation. You can take advantage of this offer and save on cost and time. And remember, always check the reputation of the retailer from whom you will purchase your door especially if it is an online store. In doing so, you will avoid being scammed or getting items that are not worth what you had paid for.

Tips For Buying Bi-Fold Shower Doors



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